Here is a brief CBROM parameters cheatsheet. You cannot get some of them using cbrom /? Some of the lines are taken from cbrom /? Output, some from other sources, like Practical BIOS Editing by Polygon. Dash '-' means range of digits (you need only one), means OR (choose one of the sides). CBROM.EXE V1.98 [08/27/08] (C)Phoenix Technologies 2001-2008 Syntax: CBROM.EXE InputFile [/other] [8000:0] [RomFile Release Extract] CBROM.EXE InputFile [/D logo vga.] [RomFile Release Extract][checksum] checksum: Add checksum for Hole0~7 module at end of the hole. Extract: Extract option ROM to File in current system BIOS InputFile: System BIOS to be added with Option ROMs noreserve: No reserve system color for BMP logo Release: Release option ROM in current system BIOS RomFile: File name of option ROM to add-in /D: For display all combined ROMs informations in BIOS /acpi /ACPIModule: Add ACPI module, such as SSDT module.
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/acpitbl /1-4PE32: Add type 1-4 (one of them) PE32 module in mainblock /1-4PE32B: Add type 1-4 (one of them) PE32 module in bootblock /cpucode /nc_cpucode: Add non-compress CPU code /pci /awdflash /biosf0-9: Add BIOS feature ROM /BTMEM: Add memsizing module in bootblock /btvga: Add VGA ROM to Boot Rom Block Area.

This page describes how to exchange the Video BIOS (VBIOS) of a Robin or Woodpecker module. For exchanging the VBIOS, the CBROM.EXE is needed. This tool is provided by Phoenix Technologies and Toradex is not allowed to send a copy to the customers.
Therefore Toradex offers the service of exchanging the VBIOS for the fee of one support hour. Please contact the Toradex support for more information. The exchange of the VBIOS is a fundamental change in the BIOS image.
This is what to do, if you want to insert or replace a PCI ROM module: Run the tool CBROM and enter the following command (without the angular brackets, but with the complete names of the mainboard BIOS and PCI ROM files): 1. CBROM.EXE BIOS file /PCI.

Next let's use CBROM to take a peek at your BIOS and see what PXE loader is in there. CBROM606.EXE J7F2WA14.BIN /D (where J7F2WA14.BIN is the filename of the BIOS you have on your USB key, either from downloading it or using AWDFLASH to save it). It uses the CBROM command-line tool to hook its extension into the BIOS. The next time the system boots, the BIOS extension adds additional code to the hard drive's master boot record (MBR) in order to infect the winlogon.exe / winnt.exe processes on Windows XP and 2003 / Windows 2000 before Windows boots. Cbrom.exe is for bios version 4.50. AWARD announce at Augist 6, 1999 CBRom.exe Version 2.0 as replacement for cbrom V1.2.x and cbrom6. Do anybody know how to get the new version of cbrom and modbin where also a modbin6.exe should exist. I also can't find a cbrom6.exe on the net witch will be sufficient for the moment I think.
The New version of Award CBROM.EXE can be use to extract VGA, Net boot rom.etc. The command of the extraction is just like releasing BIOS. A: CBROM.EXE 2a4ib000.bin /other 8000:0 YYY.ROM Cbrom Parameters NOTES: 1. Examples in this manual use 2a59cxxx.bin as the system BIOS FILE name, ncr307.rom as the file name of an NCR SCSI ROM BIOS version 3.07 for the NCR810/825, and aha7850.rom as the file name of an Adaptec SCSI ROM BIOS for the Adaptec 7850.
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If the modification is not done correctly, the board might not boot anymore. Use a baseboard with a second BIOS image for recovering corrupted BIOS images.
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If you do not have such a baseboard, be aware of the risk. The VBIOS modification is on your own risk. For customer that want avoid the risk or do not have the CBROM.EXE tool, Toradex offers the service of changing boot logos for the fee of one support hours. If you are interested, please contact the Toradex support team. If you are planing to do the VBIOS exchanging on your own, please contact the Toradex support for getting the latest BIOS version. Not all BIOS versions are compatible with the EMGD/IEGD VBIOS.
Cbrom Exe Bios Update
The module might not boot if you use an older BIOS image with a EMGD/IEGD VBIOS. A customized VBIOS can be created by either using the (EMGD) or (IEGD) Configuration Editor. In order to get the VBIOS, you need to select Video BIOS in the Package editor. The generated VBIOS can be tested under DOS. Please take a look to the documentation coming with the EMGD/IEGD (search for TSR). If you are planing to use our service to exchange the VBIOS, please test the VBIOS prior to send it to us.
Ive just extracted my bios from a MSI 9105LR which has Fastrak100 Lite onboard raid, had a go at removing the Fastrak100 Lite code and then spliced the latest bios for the Fastrak100 addin raid card from Promises webby.
It all appears to have gone fine and the new bios's list of components shows the new code component for the full blowen Fastrak100.
Thing is i did this under a WinXP command prompt - is this OK?
Has anyone tried this with other mobo's and had success going from Lite to Full version Raid?
Im not in the mood right now to be guinea pig as i aint got the time to fix it if it goes wrong View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif
Any feedback or advice be gratefully received.
rockhard =)